Divorce Law Attorneys in PA
Divorce can be a complicating life event that impacts not only the individual, but the entire family, both emotionally and financially. Whether your divorce, or some aspect of it, is uncontested or contested, the financial repercussions can be devastating and the legal challenges complicated.
The Pennsylvania family and divorce law attorneys at Slivinski Law Offices are enthusiastic and compassionate advocates for clients going through a divorce. Representation is individualized and personalized to aid in resolving the matter in an efficient and economic manner, while zealously advocating on behalf of the client.
Slivinski Law Offices – Experienced, Highly-Skilled Divorce Lawyers
Pennsylvania family law divides the divorce proceeding into three categories of issues that must be dealt with: 1) the dissolution of your marriage contract, the divorce; 2) the equitable distribution of your property, a division of your debts and assets; and 3) spousal support considerations, either temporary or permanent. A consensual, uncontested divorce (agreed to by both parties of the marriage) can be final in as little as 90 days, from the date of filing and service. A contested divorce (one where parties cannot agree as to such matters as settlement of marital property) can be finalized by the parties living separate and apart for a period of two years and undergoing a court hearing. No matter what your individual situation is, it is always wise to seek out the support of an experienced Pennsylvania family law attorney to ensure that your rights are preserved and you receive everything you are entitled to receive.
A Qualified Pennsylvania Family Law Attorney Will Assist You with the Complexities of Divorce
While the process for filing and finalizing a divorce are straight forward, the issues associated with the divorce can sometimes be quite complex. The most obvious complexity of the divorce process is the allocation and division of assets, which can also include drafting quit claim deeds, refinancing debts, dividing and allocating retirement plans, appraising assets, child custody issues, and support issues, all requiring some very specific legal knowledge to complete properly and equitably.
Our family law services include:
- Drafting of any and all Divorce paperwork
- Representing parties going through a Divorce
- Custody Issues
- Grandparents rights
- Adoption
- Support, including Spousal Support, Alimony, and Alimony Pendente Lite, and Child Support